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Cake smash
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How LUCKY am I that I get to be surrounded by these cuties every time I step into my studio? Just take a look at the smiles that March brought to the studio!
Sisters Dawsyn (turning one) and Emerson! Love the pop of yellow
Baby Dawsyn is ONE!!! Loved her purple cake too!
Hunny girl Kaydence is always so fun to be with! So expressive and full of sillies and sass! I love it Happiest 3rd birthday little princess!
Five year old Cary modeling one of my newest drops! LOVE this kid! So happy and easy to photograph Come back annnnytime little man.
…and THIS, my friends, is as sweet as it gets! Raegan, your features are stunning and your personality makes everything 100 times better! Happy birthday sweet baby girl! Her “Rae Of Sunshine” cake smash was too sweet to not do a full blog… check it out here!
Baby Caroline was a doll! I love her sweet smile and precious little features!
I can’t remember the last time an older sibling was as smitten with their new baby as big sister Avery is with “her baby Emilia” I couldn’t get enough of either one of these girlies! Emilia was an angel and slept through her whole session perfectly!
How gorgeous is this set up with baby McKinley?!?! I LOVE everything about it! And how is she almost ONE?!? I vividly remember her newborn photos ❤️ The Bakery Nook nailed it with this cake! One of the most beautiful cakes I’ve ever seen! Custom By Candice did a beautiful job on the banner as well! Happy birthday sweet girlie
This little stud muffin, Jaxson… I love his little smirk! He is just 11 months and basically running already! We brought out a wagon I used with his brother for his first birthday and he stood right up in it and laughed at us Boys are so busy… my son was exactly the same way!
Good’s Potato Chips, you’ve got two big fans over here… One cheese curl loving two year old and one happy photographer who’d rather have cheesy fingers than tears for the final images Amelia, you are amazing!!!! Two is tough but it gets easier, I promise!
Claire is as happy as can be! She loved playing with her balloons and running away from my camera
Happy 3 years little lady
Porter’s TWO! He loves trains and baseball! He’s come a long way since he was a newbie lounging and smiling in the crate.
Emme went from a tiny newbie to a birthday girl in the blink of an eye! Love this family
Opal is so precious! She is such a pleasant little lady. She didn’t like touching her cake but she liked when mom and dad fed it to her
This gorgeous little girl… Kaidence is ONE!!! I had a lot of fun with her and her siblings and her coconut cake that I “accidentally” tasted during clean up was amazing! Happy birthday, princess!
Nine month old Bella started my day out perfectly this morning in her gorgeous Baptism dress. So expressive and happy, I wanted to keep her!
I don’t know if I can handle this! Emma is absolutely amazing! Those Freshly Picked donut mocs are the icing on the cake… pun intended! Happy birthday sweet baby girl!
When I see on my calendar “quadruplet three year olds” I think to myself, “……well this could be interesting….!” Let me tell you about this awesome family I got to meet Mom and Dad are patient and kind as all get out, easy going and had one goal which was to have all six of them in a photo and ‘they all don’t even have to be looking’. Left in the top right photo is Tucker, notice the cars in his hands… he scouted them out in the studio the minute he walked in! He was the toughest to get to smile because all he wanted to do was play with the cars but he couldn’t resist my “Hot Dog Song”! Next in that photo is Grace. She’s a dancer. She wanted to see the photos on the back of my camera and thought my “Baby Shark” was pretty spot on. Then there’s Caroline, a little more reserved but still a little silly. She liked it best when she was sitting on the bench with her sissy and she liked my fake sneeze trick. And then there’s Cole. He’s the leader of the group from what I can tell and the class clown. The silliest of all with zero percent shyness. He was sneak attack tickling me every chance he got, sitting on my lap while I photographed his siblings and he was a pro at posing from the word go. I’d say this is pretty good for their first professional family photo considering no photoshopping was needed. To mom and dad, I’m so happy I could be the first one to give you a photo that you will look at forever with feelings of happiness that will only grow stronger as the days go by. Life is crazy… but it’s so much more beautiful than crazy. These are the days. So happy I got to meet these guys. They brought me more joy than I can even describe in words
This girl! Her name is Chloe and she is too cool for school. She brought me a beautiful flower and she brought herself one as a prop. She’s easy to pose and to be silly with! Love those blue eyes, too! It’s been a joy watching her grow up over the last few years She’ll be taller than me in two more birthday sessions… I’m calling it now
I love everything about this baby girl. Baby Peyton is perfection. New heart bowl and rainbow carpet seem like they were made for her
I *WISH* you could all know these little girls. Sweetness is the closest word I can think of to describe them but it seems completely insufficient. Baby Adalynn is turning ONE and big sister Taelynn just had her third birthday. I want to stick that little Tae and keep her in my pocket! My face hurt from smiling so much after this session
Ryan’s dad is a fireman and we kept the tradition alive that we always have to do a fireman picture at Ryan’s birthday shoot. Going strong since year one. He’s now FOUR! Happy birthday to my little buddy and a HUGE thank you to all of the firefighters who risk their lives for us everyday all over the world. You’re all my heroes.
Logan! Once a year I get to get silly and crazy with this handsome little man. Newborn, one, two, three and now four! He’s a professional at posing… I mean, look at that foot! He’s beyond brilliant and he is so polite! I love when he comes to see me. I look forward to it every year
Kaycee is turning SIX and Camryn is THREE Soooo much history between this family and I. Kaycee was just a little peanut in my basement at my house when we first met and since then, I’ve captured her birthday photos every year, mom and dad’s engagement, wedding day, family photos, the addition of baby sister and then Cam’s yearly photos, too. This right here is why I love what I do. It’s families like this that allow me to say that I have the best job in the world. Love you guys ❤️
Gorgeous baby Vera Not sure how almost a year has passed since her newborn session but man did we have fun. She is also super smart. Mimicked my “ah-choo” and said a bunch of words like “uh oh” and “tickle”. I just love seeing so many babies and celebrating their individuality. Vera. Is. Amazing. I wanted to take her home and snuggle her right up! I was singing baby shark all night after this one, too
This little darling, Cameran, I photographed her big brother and she is just as sweet. Her mama brought the pretty flower headband in the photo with the denim blue and it was from flowers used at her wedding It matched perfectly with one of the set up I had already pulled out for her before they got there!
We had to incorporate some green into tiny Brooke’s session since she was born on St. Patrick’s Day and she’s got that wee tinge of red in her hair ❤️
I ended the March newborns with Maverik… and he was such a snuggler! Those cheeks don’t quit either ☺️ Try to tell me I don’t have the best job… sigh… can I keep him??
The last few days of March were filled with my Easter Mini sessions… you can check out the full blog of them HERE!
Thanks for stoppin’ by… Xo Lg
Wife. Mom. Photographer. Dreamer. I love my clients, I love my job and I love my life. ...Read my full story
Wife. Mom. Photographer. Dreamer. I love my clients, I love my job and I love my life. ...Read my full story
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