Lehigh Valley Photographer | LG Photography | Coplay, PA | All Things Christmas at LG 2017

  1. Rachel says:

    Wow, I’m impressed you have so many cool photography events planned for Fall 2017. I’m looking for a Lehigh Valley photographer, so I will have to check all this info out.

  2. Anel says:

    Oh yay! I’ve been looking for a photographer in Lehigh Valley who is foing Santa sessions. This is my baby boy’s first Christmas and I’m hoping to capture it on photos!

  3. Shanda Dreer says:

    Yes, Santa sessions are my favorite of all! I love that you are located close to me in the Lehigh Valley. We’ve been looking for a photographer for quite some time and will be contacting you soon!

  4. sarah says:

    eeeeek I am so glad that I found this… I have been searching for a Lehigh Valley photographer to take our christmas photos, I think this session would be perfect for us!

  5. Rebekkah says:

    This is such an amazing deal. You can clearly tell that you are the best Lehigh Valley photographer based on how thorough you are! I would love to snag a spot of the Awesome Santa deal!

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