I had a day off where I was babysitting my niece Reagyn and I decided to have a little fun and do a session that made my soul truly happy. Just me, my new camera, little Reagyn and a fruit bath in my farmhouse sink with lemons! When I remodeled my kitchen, this is exactly what I envisioned and when I saw these photos I knew it was something I wanted to offer my clients too! Reagyn was 15 months here, which I thought was the perfect age, but this would work for pretty much any age from 12 months through two. We did lemons for this one, but the possibilities are endless for strawberries, limes, oranges, watermelons, even cranberries for a winter time baby or anything that matches your home or kitchen. Toddlers are always on the go and sometimes hard to capture at the studio, but here they have an innocence about them, contained to the bath, but just enjoying the water and fruit. These can be done in place of a cake smash or as a milestone session. I’ve created three special packages for these which are in the graphic at the end of this blog- if you think you might be interested in booking one, shoot us an email through the contact tab and we can set one up! Xo Lg
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